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Creator Level

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

You at the Creator Level

If you are intrigued about how energy works and how its power reflects in your own life, it is a good thing you are here. I designed a package that consists of 3/6 coaching sessions that will help you sustain your intention. You will embark in a journey marked by several important readings that will help redefine your mindset. You will get the chance to explore either parts of the program or opt for the Integrative Creator’s Program that includes this complete experience:

  • Soul Profile & Realignment Reading

  • Life situation reading

  • Relationship Reading

  • Property Clearing Reading

Not knowing who you are ends here.
It’s the moment to find out exactly what is for you and how to align your choices.

Soul Profile & Realignment Reading

This is the first step, where my approach starts. It is the pilar reading and the main access point of the Akashic Record.

We will find out:

  • About your soul blueprint in its creation
  • What type of energy is your soul made of
  • Soul group or family of souls 
  • Your soul’s specialization
  • Energetic organizing principle
  • A lot more details with incredible influence in your everyday life

This session will also reveal all the blocks and restrictions, originating in past lives or present life, that challenge or even sabotage you from achieving and accessing the life that you want for yourself.

In this moment it becomes relevant:

  • To know who you are
  • What being aligned to yourself means
  • What was the energy of any misaligned choice

It instantly activates the responsibility and the power to create your life realigned and faithful to your own Soul Blueprint.

The Akashic record is a field of infinite knowledge and information with no dimension of time or space. It gives us the chance to see the effect right next to the cause. The cause is, in most cases, a very justified choice but not in alignment or true to yourself and this is how we can instantly understand the pattern, the restriction or the block actively present in our Akashic Records.

I do the reading with no need for your presence and then I deliver all the information in an hour – hour and a half one-on-one session. You will also get a 21-day clearing homework and the recording of the session.

If you need further assistance, I am delighted to offer you the coaching creator’s program especially designed for integration of all the information up to the level of actions.


Life Situation Reading

At any given time, we might have a life situation with so many aspects involved from our part and surely with the reciprocated contribution of others. In the world where energy is an especially important dimension, we sometimes lose track of the energy of our misaligned choices and cannot connect with the effect in other areas of our life or at a different time. Let’s be honest, it takes a little more time to control the energies activated in your life. 

Finding yourself in one of these situations?

  • You have a job where probably obligation is activated or condoned
  • When a relationship feels restrictive in the area of freedom
  • When love is more like a need fulfillment questionnaire
  • All of the above combined with health issues
  • No matter what you do the domino keeps building or actually … crushing.

This is exactly the moment when a Life situation reading can explain all the connections.

It is the moment you should discover the energy engaged and how to clear and realign fast to flow and flourishment and course-correct with accurate awareness and ease.

All you have to do is to send me a detailed description of the life situation and you will receive a reading like a map connecting the right pairs or groups of conflicts and misaligned events in an 1-to-1 session. You will get a clearing homework and the recording of the session.


Relationship Reading

As you probably understand by now how complex we are in our microcosmos as a part of this beautiful Universe/Multiverse, it also becomes clear how a relationship: romantic, marriage or any other kind would have an energetic record of its own.

A relationship reading puts face to face the Soul Blueprint of the partners and can give you the  understanding for who you both are. 

It gives clarity to any restriction that might be active and in the way of:

  • Harmony
  • Support
  • Appreciation
  • Understandment 
  • Acceptance
  • Freedom of being the unique creation and creator that we all are

All you have to do is to send me the identification data for you and your partner (name at birth, date and place of birth and current name, if the case) and you will receive a reading in an 1-to-1 or 1-to-2 session. You will get a clearing homework and the recording of the session.

*There are ethics rules that prevent reading the Record in the Akasha for someone without his or her consent. Depending on that, you can, at first, find out your energetic part of the relationship.


Property Clearing Reading

Are you on a constant search for comfort and peace in your home or office? Are you trying to be more creative or even more relaxed, however you feel that there are all sorts of energies lying around that prevent you from reaching your goals? 

The Akasha records them as dissonant energies that can be cleared and through this I can help you realign the space to your intention.

All you have to do is to send me a detailed description (address and your rapport with it – ownership, lease, other situations)  and you will receive a reading in an 1-to-1 session. You will get a clearing homework and the recording of the session. As the ethics of these readings dictate, you must own or pay in some form for the property, so you may have the right to access its Records or clear it energetically.


Integrative Creator’s Program

Welcome to your new perspective of life!

If you are new to energy work or want to clear and dive in some provocative questions and redefine your mindset in terms of alignment, energy, responsibility and power in your own life, I’ve designed a program of 3/6 coaching sessions ready to serve you along your profile and Soul Realignment ® reading. This will make possible for you to have guidance for as long as you feel you need  in order to Integrate the soul level information in your everyday life and reach your full potential.

The coaching sessions are meant to facilitate and sustain your intention to benefit fully from the boost of vital force energy which gets activated once I access your Akashic Records and during the period you connect intentionally to your source through your 21-day clearing homework.

At the end of this program, you will have:

  • Better understanding of the dimension of your soul
  • Higher perspective of everything
  • Identify the energy all around you and own your frame of reference
  • Activate your intuition and through it connect to your Higher Self and all wisdom and truth you will ever need, as an expert skill
  • The ability to get to the aligned actions needed to shift your vibration and your energetic being to a higher level

You will receive a reading and 3 session


You will receive a reading and 6 session

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