Master Creator
You are ready for the advanced level
This is an advanced step if you are ready to get full self determination and also become responsible for expressing who you are. The more conscious being you are, the more necessary it is for you to align to your Divinity, in all areas of your life. I can assist you in measuring the alignment of the new choices at any time, if you need support so that you express your Divinity even in your business.
Also, here I will assist you discover how numerous options of choice can take you or not to your desired intention in the future.
Business and Financial Abundance
Welcome to the most desired information of it all: How to build or to run a successful, sustainable and generous income generator business?
After you learn, clear your records and embody your Divine self expression using your Soul’s and Manifesting Blueprint, we are ready to approach entrepreneurship as the highest and the fullest form of self expression.
We will talk about:
- Money and their powerful energetic trace as being one of the most important expression of vital force energy
- How having a business offers you a tremendous power and an opportunity for creating abundance (either financial or of other kind)
When you step in your full self determination you will become responsible for expressing who you are. You need to align to your Divinity and this includes your entrepreneurship. Please keep in mind that entrepreneurship is the highest form of self expression for highly conscious people, mainly due to the unlimited freewill and choice at their disposal.
If you feel like you’re doing everything right: you’ve paid all the highest prices for programs and trainings to take you to the desired success of your business, you’ve made all the right decisions, but abundance did not yet express itself in your life, it’s probably an issue of you not being aligned to your Divinity in expressing yourself through your business.
Your business is an expression of your Truth and the path to abundance lies in Living and Doing your Divinity. You are in the right place at this moment if:
- You want your business to be successful, sustainable and you to feel fulfilled
- You want to forget about struggle and feel adventurous in sailing all the curves of the river of life
- You want to scale up your business in ways that you still find impossible to do
- You want to increase your personal income from the business in exchange for less personal time invested in it
I am here with the information and the tools to energetically identify the area that needs attending whether you are still a wannapreneur (a business in the making) or an already established entrepreneur.
The energy flow of the business is influenced by
- you as the owner and entrepreneur
- the contributors such as clients
- contractors
- employees
- all kinds of partners
- your product/services
- the sales process or the marketing choices and so forth
Possible misalignments in your choices, apart from your Soul’s and Manifesting Blueprints, in the creation and existence of a business, may also come from the energy flow in the business. Once you understand the flow of energy in your life and in your business, as another aspect of your Truth, you get to continue to be the business expert and translate this energetic information and use it as a new dimension for your business decisions and choices.
I can assist you in measuring the alignment of the new choices at any time you need support so that you express your Divinity in your business more aligned.

The Future in the Akashic Records
This is the most interesting reading of them all, being everything we want and yet, once we have it, it is still an issue of direct proportionality between power and responsibility.
As Akasha is a timeless dimension, it also contains the future, as we perceive it, but not in the way that we would like it to be – you do not find the lottery numbers for the next week and not even the time of your death/life 😊.
Akasha is the most generous database because it holds all future possibilities and probabilities as potentialities and how any of those 360 degrees options of choice can take you or not to your desired intention.
From the Manifesting Blueprint reading we understand that when it comes to a new desired outcome, we actually have to manage a realignment of our vibrational state, through choices and actions, to the vibrational state congruent to the desired outcome.
Everything exists at the same time, in this reading for the future we analyze the energetic landscape between your current vibrational state and the desired one. We must understand the need to leave our comfort zone and use information such as:
- choice trajectories
- possibility and probability trajectories
- capacity for change
- vibrational plasticity and bandwidth
- timeframe and so forth
The Future in the Akashic Records narrows down your approach, for any desire, to the most efficient data. Do not confuse this with a blueprint, because it is a live process. With every NEW ACTION, our vibrational state changes towards or away from our destination. It also changes our comfort zone with it. So, as we are the creators of our life, this is an ongoing process.
This a very technical and advanced reading, available for every new desired outcome, only for those that already have integrated The Soul’s Realignment Reading and Manifesting Blueprint.